How to gain more customer referrals


Most businesses understand the power of referral marketing as a way for them to acquire new leads and potential buyers. However, the real struggle for many is how to generate or increase them consistently. Several reasons account for this.

For instance, some sellers are not comfortable asking their customers for referrals; they're not quite confident about the value they deliver or do not want to appear desperate or too sales-inclined to their clients. In this post, we have put together some effective tips that can help businesses gain more referrals.

Get the Basics Right.

Before we delve into the tips, there are certain basics that online retailers need to get right even before they implement referral programs in their stores.

The first and most important principle is to have a referable brand, product, or service. You must ensure that you are delivering exactly what has been promised. Your customers must be able to bold speak or testify about the value you deliver. The product or service you provide should be so good that customers not only love it but would willingly refer it to their network. One way to find out if your brand is referable is to ask customers for feedback. Conducting surveys are an effective way of finding out.

Another basic factor you need to note is that you cannot depend on accidental referrals. There must be a conscious effort to draw in referrals to the business. You need to know the kind of customers you want to attract and the methods your current customers can use to attract those referrals.

Keep the ball rolling with a referral process. It is prudent to put a solid referral process in place so that you never run out of referrals.

Tips/ Proven ways to get more Customer Referrals

Consistent messaging

As a business owner, you need to pay close attention to what customers say about you because this is what they will tell their network when referring your brand to them. Ensure that the message presented in your copy is consistent with the features being recommended. For example, Ministry of Supply, a clothing label, designed a pair of socks with amazing features that won the heart of its customers. While the brand emphasized in their messaging that the socks had "pressure-mapping" features, their loyal customers were preaching about how the socks were odor-resistant because of the coffer grounds it had. When the brand noticed this, they quickly changed their messaging to suit their clients' recommendations and increased customer referrals. The likelihood of potential customers loving the same feature your existing customer love is high; thus, you should be aware of them and emphasize them in your messaging.

Ministry of Supply referral program

Visible Calls-to-action

If your current buyers do not join your referral program, it will be difficult for your brand to generate many referrals. Unfortunately, you cannot leave this process to chance. Customers have a lot going on in their minds and lives; therefore, if you want them to take time out of their busy schedule to refer their family and friends to your business, you need to make the process as simple as possible. You can do this by placing highly visible calls to action on your website. Showcasing the benefit of joining your referral program on the main page of your site or in an eye-catching popup would push them to join and start referring.

Kurgo referral program

For instance, Pet gear shop, Kurgo, uses a strong hero image to display the benefits of joining its referral program. Customers will certainly not miss it since it is the most visible part of their site. If their products are great and the referral program offers more value, they will gladly join and bring in new referrals.

Asking existing customers for referrals

While this is an obvious tip, it is one of the most effective. You can never go wrong when you ask. If your customers are delighted with the value you deliver through your products and services, simply ask them if there are others who can benefit from the same. A good section of clients satisfied with brands are willing to recommend, but half of them never do. This is most likely because they hardly find the time or do not have enough motivation to do so. Politely asking your customers to refer their friends could be the biggest motivation they need. The bottom line is, if they see the value in your product, they'll be glad to share it with their loved ones.

Popups and Post-purchase emails

Using popups and post-purchase emails is another great way of generating new referrals. The timely nature of these tools enhances the chances of catching customers' attention and getting them to take action. The most favorable time to ask a customer to refer a friend is after having had a great experience with your brand, such as after making a purchase or earning a reward. In these emails and popups, you remind the customer of how good the buying experience was and ask them to let their friends know so they can equally enjoy it. Ensure that the visual design of the popups and emails matches that of your brand so that customers will feel like it is a seamless part of the entire experience.

Warby Parker

Periodic reminders and frequent social media promotions

You need to step out and make your program known, especially to your existing customers, to gain more referrals. Since you are offering rewards for referrals, don't hesitate to send periodic reminders to your customers about what they might be missing for not joining. Use social media as a means to evoke familiarity with the program. The more your customers become aware of your referral program, the likelier they can sign up and share with their friends. When customers join and bring in referrals, ensure that you send them "Thank You" reminders and make them feel appreciated for their efforts. In your social media posts and on your referral pages, ensure that you provide content your customers can share with their network.

Referrals are extremely valuable to your business; hence, you need to be intentional about attracting them. To get ahead in referral marketing, focus on giving the best value to your customers and be fearless about spreading the word about your program.

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